Consider harnessing sound as a way of interpreting the universe, relationships, changes, and the here and now; a process wherein an exploration of cosmopolitics is implicit; a sublimation technique to navigate between the form and essence of all things. 

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Consider harnessing sound as a way of interpreting the universe, relationships, changes, and the here and now; a process wherein an exploration of cosmopolitics is implicit; a sublimation technique to navigate between the form and essence of all things.

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Fables, Score, two-channel video, mechanical tree

“A work combining sound and hand-painting in Venom-Anti-Venom to introduce a series of interactions between medicine, Chinese herbal practices , the human body, nature and society. The work was inspired by the devotion of Naga in Tahiland which resonates with the artist’s research on the relationships between Chinese legends of the dragon, compedia of Chinese merdicinal herbs and spirituality. The Naga spirits believe that the following rivers in nature are one with the internal rivers that flow within all organisms, wehether blood, bile, phlegm, pus, seat, fat, tears, savlia, urine..etc. which must flow freeely or face collaspe if circulationand balance cannot be achieved.”

-catalog of Taiwan Biennial 2020


“張欣以藥材/中醫/人體/自然/社會一連串互動為引子,引導出結合聲音與手繪作品 《毒液-反毒液》。該作發想自泰國北部納迦神信仰,對其研究中國龍神話、中醫本草綱目與另興建的關係頗有共鳴,納迦認為自然界河流和生物內部河流本屬一體,無論血液、膽汁、痰、濃液、汗液等、宛若自然大地奔流動能,若無法達成循環協調中將崩潰,戰場有一系列如詩般之語言,斯說當地人民與神明之間的相互依存關係。“

-台灣雙年展2020 目錄

© Sheryl Cheung